Welcome to Boot Camp Institute.
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Navigating Boot Camp Institute
Finding Courses
Navigate to the COURSES page to view the full catalog of 300+ courses and track your progress.
Tracking Progress
Overall progress in a course is shown in the course catalog view and through your personalized learner dashboard. Actual progress within a course is displayed in that course. For example, to see your progress within a course, open the course and view your exact progress. Individual course progress is also displayed as a percentage on your personalized user dashboard.
Getting Help
If you have questions about your account access or subscriptions, contact us at any time. Depending on your access there are multiple ways to access support:
- Discussion forums (available to all paid members from the learner dashboard)
- Monthly Q&A Call (available to all paid members from the learner dashboard)
- 1:1 personal office hours (available to certification members). Certification members can schedule from their learner dashboard.
Course FAQs
What is Required to Pass a Course?
There are three types of courses, and each course has different passing requirements:
- Course with No Quiz - Complete all learning activities within course.
- Course with Quiz - Complete all learning activities within course and pass final assessment (approx. 10 questions) with a grade of 80% or higher.
- Master Certification - To earn a master certification you'll need to demonstrate knowledge and application of key digital marketing concepts. Earning a master certification requires you to pass a master exam with a score of 80% or higher (50+ questions) and submit a completed action planner. The action planner is downloadable within each certification and is completed by the learner as they progress through the courses.
Do I Earn a Certificate with Every Course?
Once you pass a course (per the requirements above) you'll earn a certificate. The type of certificate varies depending on the type of course.
Course with No Quiz - Attendance Certificate
Course with No Quiz - Attendance Certificate
Course with Quiz - Completion Certificate
Master Certification - Master Certification (accredited by global learning organizations)
How Do I Get A Certificate for A Course?
Complete course requirements, then click on certificate learning activity from course navigation.
How Can I Find All Of My Course Certificates?
Certificates are available for immediate download following successful completion of a course. When logged in, certicates can be found and downloaded by going to "My Account>My Certificates" from navigation menu.
How and Where Can I Share My Certificates?
Course certificates can and should be shared. Consider sharing your achievement to grow your credibility in the following ways:
- Add it to your LinkedIn profile under courses or certifications.
- Share a status update with your network letting them know about your achievement (don't forget to tag us).
- Email your boss or coworkers to let them know about your accomplishment.
- Share on Instagram, Facebook, etc. to grow your credibility.
- Print your certificate and hang it in your workspace.
- Create a video with your certificate to show your credibility on all your social networks.
What Resources are Available?
We have over 300 resources available so you can implement what you learn. Access the resources in the beginning of the first lesson of each course. Resources include:
- Templates
- Checklists
- Cheat Sheets
- Playbooks
- Strategies
- Best Practice Guides
- QuickStart Guides
- Tips and Tricks
- Resources & Tools
- Action Planners
Each course has one or more resources. Check out our free resources.
Are Learning Activities Required to Pass?
Each course contains learning activities to enhance your experience with the course. These include opportunities to analyze information, learn more, evaluate your marketing, complete an action planner, view an example and more. These activities enhance your experience and ability to apply course materials, but they aren't required.
If I Pass the Pre-Assessment Do I Automatically Pass the Course?
Passing the pre-assessment does not automatically complete the course for you. While passing the assessment shows you know the material, it doesn't mean that you can't increase your knowledge from the course materials.
The completion requirements for the course must always be met to pass a particular course. Courses with final assessments require successfully completing the final assessment with a score of 80% or higher, regardless of pre-assessment results to receive certificate..
The completion requirements for the course must always be met to pass a particular course. Courses with final assessments require successfully completing the final assessment with a score of 80% or higher, regardless of pre-assessment results to receive certificate..
Do I Have to Watch All the Videos to Pass the Course?
No. You don't have to watch all of the videos or complete all of the learning activities to pass or complete a course. Courses are considered complete based on the requirements for the course.
If you already know the content - skip it to maximize your time!
If you already know the content - skip it to maximize your time!
How Up To Date Are Your Courses?
Our courses undergo regular updates and vetting. We continuously update for changes in social networks and digital platforms.
The user interfaces change constantly, and can vary based on your device. We don't update courses for interface or design changes. We update them when there are functionality changes in a platform.
We also launch new courses every single month and create new crash courses to quickly get you up-to-date on trending topics and new developments.
The user interfaces change constantly, and can vary based on your device. We don't update courses for interface or design changes. We update them when there are functionality changes in a platform.
We also launch new courses every single month and create new crash courses to quickly get you up-to-date on trending topics and new developments.
How Can I Stay Up To Date in Digital Marketing?
Each month we host a Digital News Update. We review the latest in digital marketing so you are always the smartest marketer in the room. These calls are only available to our paying members from the learner dashboard. This is a 30 minute webinar that covers all the digital updates and what they mean to you!
Don't just get the updates but get advice, perspective and more.
Don't just get the updates but get advice, perspective and more.
Getting Help and Support
How Can I Contact You?
Our award-winning customer service team is ready to help! Boot Camp Digital is available during regular business hours (US EST) and responds within 24 hours. If you need assistance, contact us via the contact page, email, phone or livechat.
NOTE: Customer service supports account management, subscriptions, billing and account related questions. They aren't social media or digital marketing experts and can't answer these types of questions.
NOTE: Customer service supports account management, subscriptions, billing and account related questions. They aren't social media or digital marketing experts and can't answer these types of questions.
How Can I Get Help With My Digital Marketing?
We offer multiple ways to reach out to the digital marketing experts at Boot Camp Digital. Access to instructors is just one thing that makes our courses unique.
- Discussion Forums - Get advice and support from instructors + the Boot Camp Institute community. A Boot Camp Digital Expert will reply to discussions within 48 business hours (US EST). (Available for all paid members from the learner dashboard)
- Q&A Call - Each month we host a Q&A call for our members. Submit a question in advance or join the call and ask live. We can answer questions, review your site and get you unstuck. (Available for all paid members from the learner dashboard)
- 1:1 Office Hours - Get 15 minutes of 1:1 office hours with an instructor. This time is customized for you to get advice, insights and support. (Available for certification members from the learner dashboard).
- Coaching Packages - Get continued 1:1 support in implementing your digital marketing. Get unstuck, strategically pointed, apply best practices and get practical, expert advice. (NOTE: Coaching packages have an extra fee, but there is a discount available for paid Boot Camp Digital members.)
I Have Questions About The Course Content or Applying It
If you questions about the content and applying it, you'll want to speak to an instructor!
- Discussion Forums - Get advice and support from instructors + the Boot Camp Institute community. A Boot Camp Digital Expert will reply to discussions within 48 business hours (US EST). (Available for all paid members from the learner dashboard)
- Q&A Call - Each month we host a Q&A call for our members. Submit a question in advance or join the call and ask live. We can answer questions, review your site and get you unstuck. (Available for all paid members from the learner dashboard)
- 1:1 Office Hours - Get 15 minutes of 1:1 office hours with an instructor. This time is customized for you to get advice, insights and support. (Available for certification members from the learner dashboard)
- Coaching Packages - Get continued 1:1 support in implementing your digital marketing. Get unstuck, strategically pointed, apply best practices and get practical, expert advice. (NOTE: Coaching packages have an extra fee, but there is a discount available for paid Boot Camp Digital members.)
How Can I Meet 1:1 With an Instructor?
Paid members can meet with instructors for support, depending on their membership level. 1:1 instructor time is only available for certification members.
- 1:1 Office Hours - Get 15 minutes of 1:1 office hours with an instructor. This time is customized for you to get advice, insights and support. (Available for certification members.) Certification members can schedule from their learner dashboard.
- Coaching Packages - Get continued 1:1 support in implementing your digital marketing. Get unstuck, strategically pointed, apply best practices and get practical, expert advice. (NOTE: Coaching packages have an extra fee, but there is a discount available for paid Boot Camp Digital members.)
Do You Offer Consulting?
Coaching Packages are available for an additional fee. Purchase 1, 5 or 10 sessions to get your marketing on-track with a digital marketing expert. As a member you can quality for a special discount on consulting. (Note: Coaching packages have an extra fee, but there is a discount available for paid Boot Cam Digital members)
Account and Subscription Management
How Do I Know My Next Bill Date?
Monthly subscriptions are billed on the same day each month. Invoice emails are sent after each payment.
Annual subscriptions are billed on the same day each year. Invoice emails are sent after each payment.
Annual subscriptions are billed on the same day each year. Invoice emails are sent after each payment.
Certification FAQs
What is the Difference Between Certification Level and the All Access Pass?
Boot Camp Digital offers Master Certifications. These are industry- accredited certifications that require you to pass a master exam and submit an action planner. This rigor confirms that you know and can apply digital marketing concepts.
Benefits of certification-level membership include:
Benefits of certification-level membership include:
- Access to master certification exam and assignment
- Earn a globally-accredited certification
- 1:1 Office hours with an instructor (this is like having access to a personal consultant)
- Live 1:1 feedback on assignments
- Certification-only tips and special events
What Certificates are Included in the Certification Access?
Certification access includes access to ALL master certifications. We are always adding to our master certifications, so view our courses for the most up-to-date list.
How Do I Pass a Master Certification Course?
Passing a master certification requires you to pass the master certification exam and assignment.
We recommend you view the courses listed in the certification plan to successfully pass and grow your knowledge, although this is not required.
We recommend you view the courses listed in the certification plan to successfully pass and grow your knowledge, although this is not required.